Monday, May 7, 2012

Setting a goal and tracking your progress

In our first week of "Changing Your Weighs" we discussed the importance of goal setting.  We talked about setting a goal and tracking your progress.  Here are some of the things we discussed that were in the hand out I gave everyone.

 "When it comes to getting healthier, knowing what to do is just the beginning.  Actually making changes can be a lot more difficult.  Setting a goal can help.  Studies show that people who have a goal try harder, are more focused on the change and are more likely to stick with their new habits." 

We talked about what your goals should be. 'Choose a goal that's really important to you." "Make is a SMART goal" 
Specific- Be clear about what you're going to do.
Measurable- Make it something you can measure.
Achievable- Choose something you can do in a fairly short amount of time.
Realistic-  Set a goal that's possible with your circumstances.
Time-bound- Give yourself a time frame.

We then discussed how to make a plan to reach your goals. "Break your goal into activities and steps."
"Plan ahead to make each step workable." "Make each step something you'll look forward to. you're much more likely to do it if you enjoy it" "Make a plan for overcoming barriers or temptations" 

"Get support.  Making important changes usually requires a lot of help from others."
"Find a role model. Look to someone who has done something similar." 
:"Find supporters. Find people in your life who can encourage you."

"Keep track. Because your goal and your steps are measurable, you can keep a clear picture of how you're doing"
"-use a calendar to write down what activities you've done every day.
-at least once a week measure your progress."

"Celebrate along the way!  you don't have to reach your goal to have a celebration.  reward yourself often for keeping up on your activities."

So don't forget to write down your activities that you want to do that will help you achieve your big goal.  Write down the first steps your going to take. The WHAT and the WHEN.  How your going to make it enjoyable. How your going to handle barriers or temptations.  Choose a role model and your supporters. Last but not least what is your next step going to be.  Again if you need help with filling this out don't hesitate to ask me. 

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